If you are a hiring manager, recruiter, or tech professional, you might be looking for a program that will help you find top talent faster. The We Create Problems skill testing platform can help you do that. The company aims to make the lives of tech professionals easier with tools that integrate with the most popular ATS and LMS solutions. Read on to learn more about the company’s skills testing platform also visit this website wecreateproblems.com

We Create Problems is a company that aims to simplify the lives of tech recruiters, hiring managers, and other professionals

Recruiters are faced with many challenges when evaluating candidates. While it’s true that technical skills can be taught, they can’t be taught without an understanding of other skills, such as creativity. For this reason, skill testing is crucial. We Create Problems skill testing is designed to help companies hire the best people for their open positions based on their skills and expertise.

It offers a programming skills test platform

Wecreateproblems offers a robust testing platform for software developers and programmers. WeCP makes it easy to brand your testing platform, customize buttons, layouts, and landing pages. It also has customizable reporting options, such as asking candidates to share their experience on social media. WeCP is compatible with many popular LMS and ATS solutions, and integrates seamlessly with them. It also allows for reporting and tracking of data, making it a valuable tool for hiring managers.

WeCP enables businesses to create and administer a range of testing options that measure technical knowledge and productivity. The platform can help recruit the best technical candidates and assess the skills of your current employees. It can also be used for training purposes, helping technical teams enhance their current skills. To get started with WeCP, check out the demo page. You can try out the test in a matter of minutes and start hiring the best developers for your company today!

It integrates with popular ATS and LMS solutions

ATS software is becoming increasingly important in today’s job market. Employers need a tool that will streamline their hiring process and add quality talents to their workforce. While many ATS solutions are customizable, these platforms are more difficult to upgrade than other options. Look for a tool that comes with built-in configuration options, which will allow you to customize the tools to meet your specific needs. For example, an ATS will allow you to assign different users to specific tasks, and make notes private to specific team members.

The ATS vendor should offer an extensive knowledge base, as well as search capabilities that include natural language, semantic and universal search. Many ATS solutions allow you to filter your candidates based on phrases and keywords. Some also have a knowledge base, where you can find support documentation on a particular topic. However, this does not solve the problem of poor hiring strategies and an underdeveloped employer brand.

Another important feature of an ATS is integration with other software. Make sure that the vendor can import and export data from other systems. If you handle recruiting in-house, you should look for an ATS that can integrate with HR software. Look for vendor options that offer integrations and provide training after the system has been installed. Many vendors also provide integration support and implementation support. If you are in the process of selecting an ATS, make sure to read these features before settling on a vendor.