Among the many benefits that the AIPC (American International Pharmaceutical Companies) offers to their customers, the most exciting is that it gives access to a wide range of products at very affordable prices. This makes it easy to take advantage of the latest pharmaceutical trends and find products that you will actually use.


Several chemotherapeutic agents have been evaluated in the second-line treatment of prostate cancer. Some of these agents, such as docetaxel and estramustine, are well tolerated and have demonstrated some survival benefits. However, many patients continue to progress.

One Phase II trial, CA142-013, investigated satraplatin in patients with advanced prostate cancer. Patients were randomized to receive either 100 mg/m2 of satraplatin and 10 mg prednisone or a placebo for 5 days. Patients were then evaluated for response. Those who responded had a 50% decrease in PSA and a reduced risk of progression.

The results of the study were encouraging. Overall survival was increased in patients treated with satraplatin and prednisone. The median time to PSA progression was 6-8 months.

A Phase III trial, SPARC, is comparing satraplatin and prednisone with a placebo. The primary endpoint is progression-free survival. Those randomized to the satraplatin and prednisone arm have a 40% lower risk of progression. The SPARC trial has been completed, but the impact of the results on overall survival is unclear.


Ixabepilone is an antimicrotubule agent that acts to stabilize the microtubule structure, which is critical to the growth and survival of tumor cells. This drug class has been used in metastatic breast cancer and has demonstrated efficacy and safety in phase III studies. The use of ixabepilone in combination with capecitabine was approved in the United States in 2007 for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.

The use of ixabepilone for AIPC has also been investigated in chemotherapy-naive metastatic patients. The initial phase I study in solid tumors showed promising antitumor activity. The results were positive, leading to further study in AIPC. In phase II trials, ixabepilone was used at a dose of 40 mg/m2 IV every 3 weeks. The median PFS was 5.3 months (95% CI, 3.8-6.2 months) and the ORR was 14% (95% CI, 7-22%).

The median ORR was higher in the every three weeks dosing group. This dose was reduced in patients who had experienced a recurrence of toxicity. However, the dose was not changed in patients who had a partial response. A partial response was defined as a PSA decline of at least 50%.


Various chemotherapeutic agents have been explored in the second-line AIPC setting. Some have shown positive results. Patupilone, a microtubule stabilizer, may be an effective candidate in this setting.

A recent Phase II study used the active ingredient patupilone, a compound found in the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum. A single dose of 2.5 mg/m2 had a 25% response rate. It was also associated with a noticeable decrease in PSA. Patupilone is an active agent in taxane-resistant cell lines.

A recent Phase III study used satraplatin plus prednisone for AIPC. It was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the active ingredient in patients who had progressed on taxane-based regimens. While the results were promising, the study failed to demonstrate superiority over standard therapy.

Several taxanes, including paclitaxel and docetaxel, have been investigated as active agents in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. Texans have been shown to improve survival in some patients. However, the progressive disease after taxanes remains a vexing problem. Patupilone is a promising new cytotoxic compound that may offer an alternative to taxane-based therapy.

Future Shapers Program

Designed to support emerging leaders and high performers in the convention center industry, the Future Shapers program at the Association of International Convention Centers (AIPC) provides an interactive roadmap toward excellence in convention centre management. It provides professional education and guidance to high-achieving managers, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate excellence to industry leaders. It provides an opportunity to influence industry outcomes and build a lasting positive legacy.

The AIPC Future Shapers programmers offers a unique opportunity to take part in a challenge presented at the AIPC Annual Congress. Participants will work with their team to identify a key industry challenge, and then develop a solution to the challenge. They will then pitch their solution to the senior leadership panel. They will receive feedback and coaching from a panel of experts.

The programmers will include a series of lectures and group assignments. It will also include mentoring from CEOs from around the world. In addition, participants will develop a white paper on their industry challenge. The white paper will then be published to the AIPC community. It is a unique opportunity to help shape the future of the convention centre industry.

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